SM PDF fits#
The figures below demonstrate the impact of the top quark data on our study on the gluon PDF. Three PDFs are compared:
NNPDF4.0-notop: all top quark data excluded;
Fit H: all top quark data in our study is included (see the dataset section for a detailed list);
NNPDF4.0: the NNPDF PDF set published alongside Ref. [Ball and others, 2022].
A comparison of the gluon PDF resulting from each fit is displayed below, normalised to the central value of NNPDF4.0-notop. On the right, the PDF uncertainties are compared.
We observe that the inclusion of top quark data has a marked impact on the gluon PDF, particularly in the region \(x \in [0.1,0.5]\). The central value of the PDF shifts downwards, and the PDF uncertainty is reduced.
This effect is already observed in the comparison between NNPDF4.0 and NNPDF4.0-notop, however it is clearly enhanced by the inclusion of the latest top quark data.

The same comparison is made below at the level of the gluon-gluon luminosity.